Monday, July 30, 2007

Gymboree Classes

We signed Braeden up yesterday for 10 weeks of Gymboree play classes at a new facility that opened up over the weekend just down the street from us.

We ended up going with the level 2 classes (6-10 months old), since we went to a trial level 3 class Saturday (10-16 months old) and poor Braeden had a total meltdown with all these little toddlers walking up to him. We had to leave, and they told us to come back Sunday and try a level 2 class. He started with a minor meltdown on Sunday too, but after a few minutes calmed down, and towards the end of the class had started to become more comfortable and was crawling around playing with some of the toys. The babies there were from 7-10 months old, much more his peers. One little girl was giving him the "eye"..hehe.

So we decided to try 10 level 2 classes. We had to pay yesterday, but they told us that if he doesn't become totally comfortable after another 2-3 classes, they'd refund our money, so it's worth a try. It's been very hard to get him out and about with other babies around his age. While there are about 10 of them in the neighborhood, nobody's ever around like they used to be (I have no idea where they all are, but I rarely see any of them at our park or out for walks).

This morning Brae went to work with daddy for a couple of hours. He had a very minor crying jag at first, but settled down quickly, and poor DH spent the majority of the time chasing Brae around the office, as he crawled everywhere exploring the new territory. Braeden's got some real separation anxiety right now though, that hopefully we can work through with the classes. Like at DH's office, he was fine until people came up to him, then he raced for DH. Still, all things considered, it's to be expected, and he's doing well.

He's now got 4 teeth fully through (he was slow getting those first teeth), and has taken to climbing the stairs from bottom to top, with one of us right behind him. He never misses a step though, and once he gets to the top he's off and crawling into all the rooms.

Brae took his first walking steps Saturday - only 3, but all on his own, without any support. Yipee!!! It's kind of scary knowing he'll be walking so soon, but the time has come.

As for his eating, he continues to devour his food. He's not real fond of stage 3 dinners, except the chicken noodle one, but our ped. said if that happened to just skip them and move onto the diced table foods, which is what I've done. So far he's only had green beans, pears, and chicken sticks, but he loves all of them. He's also sampled some restaurant food when we go out to eat, and he loves everything, except carrots. He looks so cute chewing everything up. He still gets his 20-24 ounces of formula, and is still eating stage 2 foods along with the dices, and he likes to drink bottled water in between, right from the bottle. We got small child-proof bottles for him with a sport cap, so he can sip away without worry he'll get the top off. He also loves his cups with straws. He's not fond of sippy cups he has to tip up in order to drink, but we're working on that, since I don't think he'll be drinking from a straw the rest of his life..hehe.

He needs another hair cut already. This with be the 6th one, and it's getting harder to cut myself. I'll keep going through until it's impossible. Everyone says I do a great job on his hair - that's incentive to keep cutting away awhile longer. I've taken to giving him hair cuts while he's in his high chair. That's about the only place he's reasonably still these days.

We're off this weekend to a luau. Brae's got a Hawaiian shirt and shorts for the occasion. It's at 4pm, so we'll be able to have some fun, and still get him home pretty close to his 7pm bedtime. Speaking of bedtime, he's still sleeping about 11 hours at night, straight through. He wakes up at 6am and plays with his toys in his crib, then after I take DP for her walk and get her breakfast ready, I go upstairs and bring Brae down to start his day.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Happy 10-Month Birthday!!

We spent Braeden's 10-month birthday quietly at home, after a very busy week. He's getting more and more active all the time.

The little guy just went to bed, and to be honest, I'm totally wiped out, so suffice it to say, HAPPY 10-MONTH BIRTHDAY, Braeden!! And no more climbing the stairs please..hehe.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My Mother's Birthday

I hope Braeden doesn't mind me posting on his site. Not many people come here now, so I guess this site is just for the two of us - me and my son. I think he'd approve.

Today would have been my mother's birthday - would have been, because she passed away many years ago. It doesn't make it any easier when her birthday rolls around each year. I still miss her and I always will. How I wish she could have known Braeden, how I wish he could have known her. It wasn't meant to be, and that's ok. I know she's watching over us, almost as though she were actually here.

A week from today would have been my father's birthday. Same situation - he passed away a long time ago too. It's hard on both dates, but harder on my mother's birthday - she and I were so very close.

I'm an orphan, no siblings, in fact no remaining family of my own. Until I met DH I spent years by myself, me and my dogs. Now DH is here, DP is here, and of course Braeden is here. While I love them all, I still feel so alone sometimes. I just want to call my mother today and wish her a happy birthday, have her over for tea and a visit. I know that will never happen in this life, but does it ever get any easier? I don't think so. I learned to go on, learned to cope without her, but that gaping hole will always be there, the emptiness sometimes overwhelming.

Braeden is my pride and joy, but he was born via surrogacy - I couldn't carry him and give birth to him. That honor belongs to someone else, and while she's the sweetest lady, and Braeden wouldn't be here without her, it's hard knowing that one day I'll be sitting Braeden on my lap and telling him about her, he'll spend time with her. Will he love me less? I hope not - God, I hope not. Sometimes I almost feel like I don't want to get too close to him, to let him know how very much I love him. Maybe that will shield me a bit from the biting pain I'd feel if he rejects me for the surrogate who carried him, who gave him life. Thankfully though, dealing with that is down the road.

Today I'm sad, depressed, in tears. Maybe it sounds silly at my age to say this, but I want my mom. I could really use a big hug from her. When I was growing up I used to ask her, "Mommy, how much do you love me?" and she always answered, "All the much's in the world". I've been teaching Braeden that little exchange, hoping to keep part of my own mother alive.

Happy Birthday, Mom!!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Busy Weekend

Yikes, what a busy weekend we had, compared to our usual laid-back style.

Aunt Y. arrived on Saturday and was here for 4 hours. She was shocked at how big Braeden's gotten, at his teeth, his smile, how fast he can crawl. She hasn't been here for a couple of months, so lots of changes. After a great visit here, we all headed out for lunch. Braeden had a great time sitting at the table in the restaurant high chair (shopping cart cover in place). He was flirting with everybody who passed our table, waving and smiling and talking. I felt badly for the little girl at the next table (probably about 18 months old). Braeden was "flirting" with her, and he made her cry. He didn't seem to mind. When she started wailing, he turned back to eating his Cheerios and banging on the table again, trying to grab food off my plate.

After we finished our meal, we all came back to the house, and Aunt Y. was able to give Braeden his bottle and feed him his food. This is the first time she's been able to spoon feed him, and you could see the excitement on her face. Braeden's not particular who feeds him, as long as that food keeps coming. Aunt Y. is really looking forward to Braeden's birthday in September. She doesn't know where the time goes either. We're so lucky to continue having her in our lives.

Sunday we headed to the pet store to stock up on DP's food and treats, then went to Pizza Hut for lunch. Braeden got to sample his first mushrooms (the only thing on our pizza that didn't have sauce on it). He loved them. I gave him one little piece of soft pizza crust with a tiny amount of cheese on it, and that was a big hit. I didn't want to press my luck though, so left it at the one piece. He continued flirting with the people in the restaurant, and became so bold as to grab at the server's blouse as she passed by - she thought it was hilarious. Braeden let out a hearty laugh, so I guess he got a kick out of it too.

So today we're resting a bit. It's been very hot here, so we bit the bullet and dumped Braeden's sleep sack that he's slept in since we stopped swaddling him way back when, and let him sleep in just a little top and shorts his grandparents gave him a couple of weeks ago. He was much more comfortable, and seemed to sleep better. I kept checking the video monitor (will I ever give that thing up?) and he barely moved all night, whereas when he was wearing the sleep sack he moved a lot more. Now the mattress is at the lowest level, we have no fear of him tumbling out of his crib, which is why we persisted so long with the sleep sack. Now he can feel free to move about his crib, play with the little toys in there, turn on his aquarium music, and talk away to himself.

So all is well with us - Braeden will be 10 months old on Saturday.

Friday, July 06, 2007

9-Month Exam & Shots

Braeden did great at the doctor's office this morning, unlike last time when he cried throughout the whole appointment. He was more interested in what was going on around him than in anything else, grabbing at everything within his reach. DH and I took separate cars so he could head right to work after the appointment, but he got stuck in traffic and only arrived at nearly the end. At least he made it.

Braeden weighs 20 pounds and 14 ounces (85th percentile), and measures 30 inches tall (95th percentile). Since he's had a cold, his pediatrician gave him a good going over, but the cold is gone for the most part, nothing to stop him from getting his vaccinations.

He only got 2 shots this time, one in each hip. Of course he cried, but as soon as the bandaids were on and he was back in my arms, he stopped crying, and started banging on the exam table, grabbing for the paper covering, banging on pictures which hang on the wall, he was having a great time exploring, the shots forgotten. He goes back in 3 months, early October, after his 1st birthday celebration.

I dressed him in his jean shorts and a top that has "Chick Magnet" on the front. The staff went totally nuts over his top, and as usual everyone commented on all that hair. He's due for hair cut #5, but I wanted to wait until this weekend, so it won't grow too much before his photo shoot next week. His pediatrician signed the form required, giving her authorization that Brae's good to go for the photo shoot. We'll go next Friday, but getting those pictures will be enough for me. I don't want to drag him all over town doing shoots.

He slept on our drive home, but has been very active since we got back, crawling around his expanded play yards, squealing, standing at his piano table and banging away on that. He's been cruising a lot lately, this morning he let go and took a step without holding onto anything. That was so awesome to see. He's finally settled down for a nap.

I nearly forgot. Brae's got the ok to start with table food only, we can stop any and all baby food at this point, although it'll be easier to keep going with it as we transition over. I'm no cook, so I'm not even really sure where to start with table food other than fruit. He's allowed to eat anything he wants now, and is even allowed a little whole milk, so long as we continue with his formula for the majority of the "milk" part of his diet until his 1-year birthday. Some of that baby food is gross - if I won't eat it, I sure won't feed it to my son.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July!!

I hope this finds all of you well, and that everyone (in the U.S. at least) has a very Happy Independence Day. I may be Canadian, but I still love a good celebration.

Braeden's cold is nearly gone, and he's really on the move. We went into the front yard yesterday so he could crawl around on the grass. I turned my back on him to close our courtyard gate, and there was Braeden halfway across our driveway, heading for the next door neighbor's house, and speeding right along. He wasn't too happy when I picked him up, but concrete and bare knees don't make for a good combination.

The two of us went visiting an elderly neighbor later in the afternoon. We're in the middle of a heatwave, and E. lives alone, so I'm kind of keeping an eye on her. She thoroughly enjoyed Braeden's visit. He was a bit timid at first, although we've been there many times before. But when I set him down on the carpet, he looked around for a few minutes, then off he went exploring this new territory. E. has hardwood floors, whereas we have ceramic tile. Braeden was fascinated by the hardwood, banging his hands on it and giggling. I guess he liked the feel of it.

DH ordered Braeden a new play yard so he'll have a place to crawl (inside and/or outside) but won't be able to get into trouble. He actually ordered two of them, so we can link them together and give Braeden 34 sq. ft. of crawling room, for short-term use only, like taking DP for a quick potty break while DH is still asleep. I put one of them together when they arrived. One wall of this thing is a "play wall" with all kinds of goodies to keep Braeden amused. I'd just put it together and placed him inside for an initial inspection, then ran upstairs to finish the laundry. Suddenly I heard the weirdest sound coming from the living room where Brae was. I looked down from upstairs (our upstairs is totally open to below, with a "bridge" going to the master bedroom suite - so you can look right down into the living room. There was Braeden playing with his new play wall, spinning everything, testing it out. Then he found the musical section, and was hitting all the buttons. He had a great time. This particular play yard has a gate on one side, so I opened it up and left it that way. Brae came crawling out, explored a bit, then went back inside to play more.

He did something different yesterday too. He's got a large plastic dragon with holes to drop little balls inside. It makes music when you do that, and the balls pop out different doors at the bottom. Somehow he got a little chicken he plays with inside one of the bottom doors. I watched (and videotaped) him for about 4 minutes, opening the door, trying to get his chicken out of there. The door doesn't stay opened, so he had to figure out how to hold it open with one hand, while he reached inside with his other hand. The concentration blew me away. But after a few minutes he turned and looked at me, and raised his right arm in the air. That's his signal that he needs help or wants something. I took that as my cue to help him get his chicken out, and after I retrieved it, he picked it up, raised his arm high, and said, "Yeah".

We don't have anything planned for today, except to maybe take in the picnic up at the neighborhood park. But we're in the middle of an excessive heat warning and the park has very little shade, so we may skip that and head for an indoor mall to roam around. Indoor malls are few and far between over here, but there's one only a few exits up the freeway. It'll be nice and cool there, and it's one place Brae hasn't been to yet.

He goes to the doctor Friday for the dreaded 9-month shots. Hopefully he'll do as well as the 6-month ones, without any type of reaction. The 4-month ones didn't go so well - he had a fever. The following Friday is Braeden's photo shoot. It's an informal event to get his little portfolio put together. He'll be a fisherman in one shot, a baseball player in another, and the 3rd will be him hanging out wearing jeans and a T-shirt, standing up on his piano table. Aunt Y. is coming down for a visit that weekend. It'll be great to see her again.

So enjoy and celebrate today, but stay safe.