Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Braeden's Sick

Poor Braeden developed a 102 fever yesterday. The little guy was miserable, although Tylenol drops brought it down to 99. He had a rough night though. It doesn't help that we're having a mini heatwave, with temps near 100. I ran the air conditioning for him yesterday, something I try not to do - costs too much with central a/c.

This morning his temperature was 101 before Tylenol, but dropped back to normal and has remained there the rest of the day, his appetite has returned and so has his activity level, although I'm trying to keep him a bit quiet (not much luck). I'm keeping my fingers crossed that his fever doesn't come back tonight.

I called his pediatrician just to be on the safe side, but she said to just let it run its course, that he's picked up a little virus. That's what I figured, but I basically wanted the fever recorded on his chart. I think he's on the mend now.

The bee guys are coming next week to remove the hive underneath our roof. I'm not looking forward to that, but with 2 guys coming, hopefully they'll be able to finish in one day, then I can call the roof repair guys to take care of the damage from removing the hive. At least there aren't any more bees around. That was scary.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

It's Been Awhile

While the url for Braeden's site will stay the same, I just had to change the title of his blog. He's not a baby now, so this new name is much more fitting for a little boy.

Sorry it's been so long since I wrote. Things have become even more hectic in the time that's passed. I'm not even sure I can remember all of it.

My doctor released me to have the cataract surgery I need, but I decided after all the stuff I went through accepting the fact I'm diabetic and dealing with that plus everything else, that I'd take a breather before plunging in for more trauma to my poor eye. I can still see shadows with that bad eye, and I know my vision will be greatly improved once the cataract is removed, but I need some time to enjoy Braeden without a surgery date hanging over my head. I'll rebook early in July.

Brae's been so busy it's hard to keep up with him, but we do fine. He's still not talking a whole lot as he approaches his 21-month birthday next week, but his lack of actual speech sure isn't preventing him from making his "demands" known. He loves to grab your hand, or your shirt, or anything else he can get hold of, and drag you to the fridge, a cupboard, the TV, anywhere. He couldn't be more clear if he flat out said "follow me over here because I want what's there".

He's still helping to dust around the house, and since I last wrote has taken to dragging out the vacuum when he thinks the carpet needs some attention. He's finally tall enough to reach the locks to the garage door - both the button lock on the door knob and the deadbolt lock. Luckily he hasn't quite figured out that he has to turn the door knob in order to get the door open. He's constantly reaching in my pocket now looking for my keys - he knows he needs a key to open a door, but not that he only needs one from the outside.

He and I drag the trash cans back into the yard on trash pick-up day, me holding one handle, Braeden the other. He really loves to help. He insists on washing his hands at the kitchen sink afterwards, before and after all his meals, and several other times throughout the day. He pulls the kitchen chair over to the sink, climbs up and stands there waiting. He can't quite reach the faucet yet, but he will soon. Along that same line, he also loves to help me wash the dishes, unbreakable things only of course. I know he'd love to wash some of my mother's crystal, but I think I'll pass on that.

We got him a swimming pool, and he absolutely loves it. The weather hasn't been real warm recently though, so we packed it away in the garage for the time being. It hasn't been exactly safe for any of us to be playing outside lately, more in a minute.

Last weekend he attended his first birthday party, and he had a great time eating pizza and a little cake. He's not real fond of any type of meat at the moment, but he loved the pepperoni on that pizza.

Braeden will be attending his first pro baseball game the end of the month. We've got tickets to go to see the Padres play the Seattle Mariners. I'm not sure how he'll take to that, but we'll give it a try. He's enjoyed every other place we've taken him.

Two weeks ago someone pointed out that it looked like we had a bee hive on our roof. I couldn't see a whole lot of bees up there, so left it for awhile, in case it was just a swarm and would move on. It didn't, so I got a bee removal company in this week and they sprayed/fogged up there, which will kill off the bees, which the guy said were Africanized bees - not a good thing.

He also informed me there's what he estimates to be a 10-pound hive under our roof tiles, so he'll be coming back next week to cut through our roof tiles and the plywood underneath to get to the hive, remove it, clean up all the honey, wax and debris, then paint it with a waterproof solution until we can get another company in to make the roof repairs. Hello government rebate check - and good bye. So far it's over $1,500, with more expense to come {sigh}.

I'm sure there's a lot more to write, but I'll save it for another time. I've been reading your blogs - sorry I haven't had time to write until now.