Tuesday, November 28, 2006

My Shots and More

I'm not real happy right now. Yesterday mommy and daddy took me in what they call "rain" to the doctor. Doctor? All I know is that I don't like these doctor people. They wear white coats, and while sometimes they're nice, sometimes they hurt me, like yesterday, and they made mommy cry - I cried too.

I'm just over 2 months old, and it was time for my first set of vaccinations. They tell me those things are for my own good, but from where I was lying on that cold table, I've got my doubts. Four sharp pricks in my hips were more than enough for me, two in each one. Dangit that hurt. I cried a lot, screaming might be a more accurate description. They also stuck some liquid stuff down my throat - it tasted gross. I spit some out - I wonder if they noticed.

And this doctor stuck cold metal objects up my nose, in my ears and mouth, shone a bright light in my eyes. Nope, I don't like these doctors one bit. They told mommy and daddy that I weigh 12 pounds and 5 ounces, that I measure 24 inches long, and that my head circumference is 18 inches. They seemed happy, so I guess those must be pretty good numbers.

Then this person put me on my tummy and left me there. What did she think I was gonna do, lie there like a dork with my face on the paper covering that table? No, not me. I raised my head high and kept it there. Hey, they've got some pretty cool pictures on the walls I could look at. Why keep my head down and miss all that? I fooled em all - I rolled over onto my back. I don't think I should be doing that yet, because the doctor was quite surprised, but I've been doing it for weeks now. I can only roll one way, but hey, it's better than lying on my tummy, especially right after my food..blech.

After that was all over mommy and daddy got me dressed, loaded me into my car seat and back out into this rain stuff that gets me wet, and into the car. When we got home I was so happy to lie in my spare bed and sleep. But holy cow, when I woke up a couple of hours later I was hurting bad, my hips felt hot, and I heard mommy freaking out that they were red too. She put some warm cloths on both hips and that felt a little better. Then she put some great tasting stuff in my mouth (Tylenol infant drops - grape flavor). In not too long, I was feeling so much better and fell asleep.

I had a great evening. Lots of good food, although I must admit that this formula stuff they're giving me is getting kind of boring. But I'm hungry and that's all they seem to have available, so I'll eat it. The only part I don't like about this food thing is that just as I'm really getting into it they sit me up and whack me on the back, then rub my back until I burp. I'm figuring out fast that the quicker I do this burping thing, the quicker I get my food back. I don't mind sitting there awhile though because I can see stuff from different angles than usual, and those shadows are real cool at nght.

After swinging awhile, and daddy holding me, time for another diaper change. Haha, I had a big surprise in there for them, and just as they were cleaning that up, I let loose with a high pressured stream that made mommy scream. I got her whole shirt soaked before she moved, then I aimed for the carpet, and hit a spot about two feet away. I only know that because daddy was walking around in his socks later and stepped in it. I was laughing to myself. He looked like he was dancing on hot coals. They should know I'm a little boy and not to slip up on holding that cloth over me during a diaper change.

Then off I went to my bedroom. I love my bedroom, especially my bear and "Shamu". They're stuffed animals that one day I'll be old enough to actually play with. For now they're propped up beside my crib and changing table and about all I get to do is look at them. That's ok though, because while I'm looking at them mommy and daddy talk in funny voices. That makes me smile, and that seems to make them happy, so I'll go along with it.

Today I had more pain, but mommy gave me those drops again this morning and I was fine. I tried crying again this afternoon, but she wouldn't give me more drops, so I guess I can't get away with that stunt too often. I heard that doctor say when I go back again next time (I have to go back there again?) they'll take about giving me some solid food. I don't know what that is, but it's got to be better than drinking all this formula stuff.

It's nearly time for more food, so I'm outta here.


Amy said...

I'm so glad you started up a new blog! I love Braeden's point of view...I always felt bad when my kids got shots. (It never get's easier!)

Amy said...

I'm so glad you started up a new blog! I love Braeden's point of view...I always felt bad when my kids got shots. (It never get's easier!)

Maggie said...

those shots don't get easier, but at least they are all done while you are so young you won't really remember when you're older. Did you get some fun band-aids from the doctor? We had to switch out the plain ones for curious george ones when we got home. Fun band-aids make it easier to cope with the shots.
It's not very nice to pee on your mommy!! At least you didn't pee on her face, though. Oliver's done that to me and it was no fun!
We'd love to see some pictures of how absolutely adorable you've become. Maybe you could get mommy or daddy to post some.

Anonymous said...

So good to see you here! BTW, when do we get more pics?