Yesterday was my post-op exam. I got a great eye report. My vision in the surgery eye is now 20/60, where before surgery it was zero. And that's without glasses for that eye. The pressure is great, so no risk of glaucoma. They've been watching for that.
We stopped at my optometrist on the way home and I had him pop out the right lens of my eye glasses - don't need it now. My glasses look a little funny missing one lens, but until I get the stitch removed in about a month, I can't get new glasses. So hopefully problems with that eye are finally behind me, after 4 years of dealing with it, the past year being blind in that eye.
We all stopped for ice cream to celebrate. Brae loves ice cream, but his new favorite food is watermelon. Dang he can eat a lot of that stuff. He roamed around the waterfall there and then we headed home for his afternoon nap - late, but he was exhausted.
Now it's on to planning Braeden's 2nd birthday party, just a small gathering here at the house with cake and ice cream. DH and I will take Brae to the zoo ourselves 1st, then have people come over to help us celebrate. It's hard to believe he's 23 months old today.
We have to take Braeden next week for allergy testing. That won't be a fun thing for the little guy, but we really need to know what the allergen was that caused his allergic reaction. I'll let you know when we find out anything.
13 years ago