Where to begin, after so long without posting - sorry about that. This may be long.
DH has been fighting some type of infection literally for months (bacterial we finally find out). Then he had an allergic reaction to the antibiotics they put him on and broke out in a very itchy and red rash. Add a rear-end car collision into the mix (he was the hittee and not the hitter). He's still a bit sore after two weeks, but got checked out and it's basically muscular. Hooray for that. He's driving a rental while our car's in the shop - courtesy of the other guy's insurance company.
Did I tell you about our bee situation? Dang if I can remember, so I'll keep it brief. We (and some delivery people) saw bees flying around our roof (we've got a 2-story house). I let them do their thing for 2 weeks, in case they were just visiting, but they appeared to be staying put, so I called in a bee removal company. They sprayed and fogged the area, then came back the next week to remove some roof tiles and the plywood underneath to remove the hive.
Hive? There was a total of 10 honeycombs under our roof tiles, all built within that 2-week period. The scariest thing was that the bee/hive removal guy told me these were Africanized bees. I knew they weren't far away from our area, but never expected some to take up residence under our roof tiles. This particular type of bee doesn't make much honey. They concentrate on having babies, and yikes, they were sure going to town. They showed me one portion of honeycomb that had literally hundreds of bee larvae starting to hatch and break through the wax. Waiting much longer and we'd have had another swarm to have removed.
Ok, so the bees were gone, the honeycombs were gone, and our roof (part of it anyway) was gone. Next was trying to get the roof repair guy in, a fellow who specializes in beehive repairs. It only took a week of "I'll be there this afternoon" and no-show to get it finished, but we're put back together again, hopefully the end of that little nightmare.
Braeden is doing great. He's finally starting to talk more, although he's still the strong, silent type for the most part. He's come out with some phrases recently, "get up", "me doggy", "there ya go" kind of things. His newest exploration areas are the kitchen sink - he's taken to washing the unbreakable dishes and playing in the soapy water - and the spice cupboard. He not only wants to smell everything, which he's done for awhile, now he wants to taste the spices too. His favorite one so far is garlic salt - ewww, not on your finger, straight.
Brae's meals have become more fun now that he'll eat most meat, so long as either a dab of ketchup or mustard appears on his plate - dipping sauce ya know..hehe. He loves mac and cheese, all the usual foods. He feeds himself for the most part, always with either a fork or spoon. I provide both utensils and let him choose which one he wants. He just started drinking some of his milk from a "glass" glass - an old juice glass I brought with me from Canada. I've really got to watch that he's not in a throwing mood (that would be extremely messy), but he's doing a great job. He's been drinking from those red plastic cups that we thrive on in the summer, but this little juice glass is smaller in diameter, so easier for him to sip his milk without getting his shirt soaked.
He found a bare patch in our garden in an area that doesn't get much sun, and he's taken to excavating the place. He hauls out all his gardening tools, dump truck, etc. and goes to town digging, loading up the truck, then moving the dirt somewhere else and dumping it. Next it's on to finding gravel to fill in part of his excavation site, only to then throw everything on the concrete. That's ok, he loves to use the broom, so he helps me sweep.
We took Braeden to a pro baseball game the end of June. He wasn't too interested in the game, but loved the crowd and seemed to have a great time. We passed on the 4th fireworks this year since he's in bed early, but we'll all go next year. We're heading for the zoo this weekend with some friends and their children - should be fun. Braeden loves the zoo.
I'll end this post with some news about me. My diabetes is under control now, so I've rebooked my eye surgery for mid-August. Obviously I'm not looking forward to more surgery on that poor eye of mine, but I'm now totally blind in my right eye, so I'm left with no option at this point. Ok, let's get it over with, and please God, let me regain some vision in that eye. It's really hard not to trip over Brae, or his toys, or the dog, or the stairs even. My depth perception is so off that I even find it hard to pour Brae's milk now without spilling it. Of course he laughs every time I miss. I laugh with him, but I'm not laughing inside. Nobody knows how much vision I'll get back after the surgery, but it's got to be better than what I've got now - zilch. I'll keep you posted.
Enjoy summer everyone!!
13 years ago
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